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Pulse Check Creation
Pulse Check Creation
Meghan Dinkle avatar
Written by Meghan Dinkle
Updated over a week ago


This article will cover how to start and set up a Pulse check to be sent via email and/or SMS, including one-shots which are sent as a single instance, and Pulse over-time surveys, which are sent on a recurring basis.

Pulse offers a streamlined method to survey your team via email or SMS. Pulse simplifies the process by enabling you to send surveys to mass recipients at once using segments. There are 3 different ways to create your pulse check to ensure you ask the exact questions to engage your workers and receive specific answers in return. Additionally, once any data is collected it is then stored in a comprehensive dashboard.

Creating a Campaign

The initial step is navigating to the "Pulse" tab, followed by selecting "Checks", selecting “Create new Pulse check”, entering text details for the Pulse check Name, then selecting Create.

Build Page

The Build page offers 3 separate options for the creation of your Pulse check

  1. Build with AI : Provides the capability to generate a pulse check by responding to targeted questions, allowing the AI to process the information and create a comprehensive survey.

  2. Select a template : A collection of pre-designed templates from Fountain is available for selection, with the added flexibility to create and use your own custom templates.

  3. Create from scratch : This feature enables you to create a pulse check by utilizing various tools to craft custom questions and incorporate different response formats, including boolean, numerical scores, open-ended questions, and more.

Build with AI

This page provides a comprehensive range of options for creating your desired pulse check. Begin by selecting your target audience through segments and specifying the type of survey you want, including any special requests (e.g., using emojis). Click "Generate Pulse" to receive an AI-generated survey.

You will then have the option to revise any questions you're not fully satisfied with or remove them entirely. Once you are content with the survey, click "Confirm." On the following page, you can make further edits to the generated content and choose how to notify your workforce about the pulse check.

Select a template

With this selection you have the ability to select surveys created by Fountain ranging from Onboarding Evaluation to Team Effectiveness. Each survey contains a title, description, and details of how many questions are assigned with the time estimate of completion. You have two options, you may preview the survey which opens a phone modal to the right, allowing you to view the survey as the worker or elect to Select the template for use. The same actions can be done under the “My templates” feature, which lists out any surveys that you yourself have created. After making a selection, you will be directed to the Collect page.

Create from scratch

There are numerous options available in the process of creating your Pulse Check from scratch, including the Introduction, Question types, and Conclusion.


In this section, you have the ability to modify the title of your survey, input the body of the introduction (which offers a range of formatting options), and activate various additional features.

  • Anonymize the results: Selecting this option will revoke access to respondents' identities but results will still be displayed. This option forfeits the ability to prompt non-respondents.

  • Duration nudge: This feature will display the estimated time required to complete the survey.

  • Social proof nudge: The number of colleagues who have completed the survey will be displayed.

  • Notice or Policy content: If there are any policies or notices you wish to reference, you may include them in this section.

Question Types

The question types consist of four distinct categories, each designed to simplify the creation of a targeted and straightforward survey.

Open Question: In the space labeled “Question”, you’d input the question you're wanting to ask the workforce. In the “Description” field, you can provide a brief summary or details about the survey. Workers will be able to give a open answer in return. The “Theme” field allows you to categorize your checks. You may select “Edit” to add or remove Themes, as well as to view their usage. This form will serve as a base for all other questions types.

Choices: The same setup as "Open Question", with the addition of "answers", where you can provide selectable choices.

Boolean: The same setup as "Open Question", with the addition of "answers", where you can specify the choices available for respondents to select from.

Score: The same setup as "Open Question", with the addition of "answers", where you can select a 5 point scoring system composed of multiple choices to select from. You can also select "Templates" to create you own 5 level selection.


Once the worker has completed the pulse check, they will reach the final page, which is the conclusion. You have the option to include a brief concluding paragraph and a title if desired. You may select "Collect" to proceed to the next page.


In the "Audience" section, you will select the specific segment of workers to whom you would like to send your pulse check to.

The "Collection Cadence" section provides two options for when to send the pulse. You can do a one-time send which is a One Shot, a recurring schedule being a Pulse, or Triggers.

When Triggers are selected, you may select events you would like to use to trigger the pulse check. You have 2 options to select. If there has been no template created you can select to Create a trigger to begin.

When creating a trigger you are presented with 3 options. Date, Sentiment Score, & Custom Attribute Update.
Using these options, you can build a trigger on when the created Pulse check is sent to your workforce.

The "Notification" section allows you to select email or sms (or both), to notify your workforce of the pulse. By default a fountain provided message is composed; however, you may edit it to whatever message you would like.

When you are ready to send the survey you can simply select to be directed to the “Activate page”. Once on the activate page it's as simple as selecting a scheduled release date and a deadline (optional), or to activate it at this very moment to immediately start collecting data.

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