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Pulse Dashboard
Pulse Dashboard
Updated over a month ago


The Dashboard Page offers a comprehensive overview of check performances, showcasing critical metrics such as completion rate, total responses, and workers at risk of churn. It also provides a thorough comparison across themes and segments. Users can also nudge non-responsive recipients and view overall AI sentiment scores.

Pulse Check Performance

This section contains specific information regarding overall check data. It encompasses comparisons across various aspects related to both active and completed checks.

Completion rate

  • Average: This is the average rate of completion by assigned workers, across all of your active and completed checks.

  • Anonymous: This metric represents the average completion rate among assigned workers for all active and completed checks that were anonymous.

  • Non-anonymous: This metric represents the average completion rate among assigned workers for all active and completed checks where respondents' identities were not anonymous.

  • Completion per length: The overall average of completion rate of a survey based on how many questions are encased in the pulse check.

  • Total responses: This is the total amount of responses received across all surveys, active and completed.

  • Active Pulse Checks: Total number of active Pulse Checks at the moment.

Sentiment Analysis

This section details a complete data analysis with insights on workers, segments, and themes. Each section showcases the highest and lowest sentiment scores across the created pulse checks. For all categories (excluding Global Sentiment) the top 10 workers or segments are showcased, you may select to list them in ascending/descending order.

  • Global Sentiment: This is an overall 1-5 rating of all active and completed pulse checks.

  • Risk of churning: Based on responses, these workers submitted the lowest ranking answers.

  • Top promoters: Based on responses, these workers submitted the highest ranking answers.

  • Lowest sentiment segments: This is a calculation of segments that received the lowest overall pulse sentiments.

  • Highest sentiment segments: This is a calculation of segments that received the highest overall pulse sentiments.

  • Lowest completion rate: Here's a list of the segments that received the lowest overall pulse completion rate.

Beneath the sentiment analysis section, is a graph showcasing the Global sentiment per theme. Each theme that has been used in a pulse check will display here with and overall score. By selecting a theme, you can trigger a window displaying all checks created containing that theme. From there you select a check and be directed to an analysis targeted to that specific check.

A graph is also provided to display the Global sentiment over time. You may select the date dropdown to trigger a pop-up window allowing you to change the displayed date range.

Once a specific check is selected for review, the analytics will vary slightly. You'll be able to access the data regarding the completion rate, responses, email open rate, email click rate, and the number of participants who left the survey incomplete

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