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Getting Started with Communicate
Getting Started with Communicate

An easy tool to communicate with your workforce and manage your SMS budget.

Meghan Dinkle avatar
Written by Meghan Dinkle
Updated over a week ago


When attempting to communicate with your workforce there are a few hurdles to tackle. First off, getting everyone's contact details just right can be a bit of a mission. Then comes the task of picking out the right groups to send messages to, setting up a schedule for recurring messages; plus, keeping tabs on how your messages are doing over time. All of these factors can make a simple task into daunting project.

The Fountain Worker Experience Communicate product makes selecting tailored segmented workers and sending scheduled communications via email or sms an easy task. Everything from start to analytics of the sent campaigns is straight forward and easy to manage.

The Communicate system pulls workers' contact data directly from their profiles, ensuring accuracy in contact information. With our scheduling feature you can schedule messages as needed on a recurring bias (with the option to cancel anytime). We also offer AI to generate messages with ease and analytics provide insights into message delivery and engagement, making communication with your workforce effortless. We even offer the ability to automatically send communications based on whether or not new workers are added into the system.

In-depth articles

These Fountain Communicate setup articles will help you create campaigns step by step, helping you to ensure communication throughout your workforce can be executed with ease. We recommend reviewing the documents in the order listed below:

These articles are available to help you set up additional configuration within the app:

Additional Resources

For a step by step walk-through of this process from both an administrative and a worker point of view, see this interactive walk-through.

A Fountain production account login is required for access

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