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SMS Usage
Updated over 5 months ago


The SMS Usage report, a feature of the Communicate product serves as a platform for monitoring SMS communications sent across all products. Users can access detailed insights, including daily, weekly, and monthly breakdowns of SMS credit usage by product. Side panels provide visibility into recipient locations and broader locational coverage, highlighting countries contacted by the company. A graph at the top of the page displays tracking and analysis of communications sent, with options to adjust the timeframe for viewing data.


To access this page, select the Communicate product in the left side panel. This will expand to display the options of "Campaigns" and "SMS Usage", to which you can select SMS Usage.

Spent this month

This section features a tracking graph displaying all spent SMS credits, offering the ability to adjust the timeline displayed. Users can view an overview of communications on a monthly, quarterly (3-month), semiannual (6-month), and annual basis. When hovering over dates with used credits, a vertical line appears on the graph; versus, days without used credits does not trigger any lines. These numbers reflect the total SMS credits spent up until that date, not isolated to only the credits used on that particular date.

Below the graph, there is a table that lists all outbound SMS communications sent exclusively through the Communicate product. Users have the capability to filter the displayed data based on Title, Quantity, Cost, and Date.

In the left panel is a Credit Status section. This is a display of the amount of credits used by your company and how many are remaining if there is a limit imposed.

(location panel is a placeholder image for now)

Below the Credit Status is a location and product breakdown. Locations are categorized into Countries and Cities, tracking where SMS communications have been sent and the corresponding credit usage. In the product section, you will find a full coverage list detailing all SMS credits utilized across all available products, such as Compliance, Onboarding, Pulse, and others.

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