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Notification Center

View your cross-platform to-do list in one central location

Meghan Dinkle avatar
Written by Meghan Dinkle
Updated over a week ago


Tracking all of the tasks requiring your action in the Fountain Worker Experience platform is easier than ever with the Notifications Center. This activity shows you a consolidated list of all tasks that need action, from any product.

To access it, click on Notifications in the sidebar:

The Center shows you a reverse chronological view of all tasks needing your attention, with the most recent tasks at the top. Tasks are grouped by both date and type.

For example, all documents requiring counter-signing on January 1st will show in one notification. Any documents requiring counter-signing that come in on January 2nd will show in a new notification, whether or not the ones from January 1st have been signed yet.

Currently supported notifications:


Handy filters make it easy to find what you need within the Notification Center:

  • Product: By default, tasks from all products are shown. Select the product dropdown to filter down to only notifications from a specific product.

  • Task status: By default, all complete and incomplete notifications show in this view. Click the Completed button to only view tasks that have been done.

  • Read/Unread status: Like with task status, all notifications show by default, whether they've been read by you or not. To filter only on ones you've read, click the Read filter button.

Take Action

The Notification Center makes it easy to directly take action on your outstanding tasks:

  • For compliance documents pending review, click the Review button to be taken directly to the manual review window.

  • For onboard documents requiring counter-signing, click Counter Sign to be taken directly into the Document Signing activity.

After the task has been done, it will be automatically marked as completed in the Notification Center.

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