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Supplement B

Step by step instructions on how to complete the I-9 flow for the Supplement B form.

Updated over 9 months ago

Supplement B Overview

Supplement B (formerly known as Section 3) is an I-9 form that must be completed when one of the following occurs [1] :

  • Your employee legally changes their name

  • Your employee is rehired within 3 years of the date that their original I-9 Form was completed

  • Your employee’s documentation of employment authorization has expired

Completing Supplement B in Fountain I-9 Center

Once you have an employee that meets one of the criteria outlined above, the Fountain I-9 Center makes it easy to fill out, review, and complete the Supplement B form.

To do so:

  1. Go to the I-9 worker table (Onboard app in the sidebar > I-9 Forms page)

  2. Find the relevant employee (hint: use the search bar!) and click the Manage button in their row to open their I-9 management window

  3. Click the dropdown next to the Accept button and select the Complete Supplement B option:

4. Select the relevant reason for filling out the form from the three listed options, and click Submit:

The I-9 Center will automatically display the relevant fields based on which reason you select:

5. Fill out the form that appears, sign it, and click Submit

Supplement B forms do not need to be sent to E-Verify, so there are no further actions after the form is submitted [2]. The Fountain I-9 Center will keep the form on file with the worker’s original I-9 form.

Audit trail:

The audit trail for this worker will show a timestamped event for the supplement B form being filed, including the name of the administrator who filled out and submitted the form:


[1] USCIS Article on Supplement B: USCIS article detailing the steps for employers and employees for the Supplement B form

[2] E-Verify Cases for Rehiring: E-Verify article explaining that rehire cases do not require submission through E-Verify

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