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I-9 Worker Table

Your one-stop shop for viewing each worker’s I-9 status.

Meghan Dinkle avatar
Written by Meghan Dinkle
Updated over a week ago

Once you’ve set up I-9 tasks for your workers, the I-9 Center worker table will be your main hub for all things I-9.

I-9 Center Table Access & Basics

To access the worker table, click Onboard in the WX sidebar > I-9 Forms:

The table will default to showing all of your workers who have an I-9 task assigned to them, with the following informational columns:

  • Email

  • First Name

  • Last Name

  • Start date (including if a worker does not have a start date populated in their profile)

  • I-9 Status

  • Section 2 Selection (will be populated if the worker has opted to use the Authorized Representative option)

  • Rejected (will show a checkmark if the I-9 Section 1 form was rejected at any point)

After section 1 has been submitted, you will then be able to see the worker’s document expiration date within the table as well.

Useful Actions


Each worker has a Manage button that takes you into their I-9 profile. From there, you can take the following actions, depending on their I-9 status:

Any status:

  • Edit Profile: Edit the worker’s personal information

  • Take Action on I-9: opens a larger window where you can upload a replacement document, view the audit trail, request re-verification, and complete Supplement B

  • Restart I-9: Sets the status back to Pending Section 1, and restarts the task in the worker’s portal

After Section 1 has been submitted:

  • Review the I-9 Section 1 form and supporting documents

  • Complete Section 2: Complete section 2 of the I-9 form yourself, reviewing the information and documents provided by the employee, and signing off

  • Reject the Section 1 form: if an error is found in the section 1 submission, reject the submission and reset the I-9 task back to Pending Section 1 for the employee to redo

    • This allows you to select from a list of rejection reasons - the reason(s) you select will be included in an email to the employee letting them know about the rejection and the restarted I-9 task

  • Supplement B / Reverify: complete the process for rehires, name changes, or expired documentation (outlined here)

After Section 2 is complete, and has been submitted to E-Verify:

  • Take Action on E-Verify: Opens the details of the worker's case in a pop-up window, where you can review case details and take action if needed

  • Deactivate: If the employee has been terminated from your organization, use this button to indicate the end date for them (with an optional note)

    • This will add a tag to their profile in WX, indicating that they've been deactivated

Summary of redo, restart, etc. actions

A summary of a few of the available I-9 profile actions, with additional details on when to take each action and more details about it:

Action Button

When to Take Action

Description & Details

Restart I-9

This can be done at any point in the I-9 flow.

The Restart button is most relevant when an I-9 form has been completed, especially if it has been sent to E-Verify already.

If the I-9 is still Pending Section 2, then use the Reject button (see below).

Selecting Restart will:

  • Reset the current I-9 task back to Not Started in the worker portal, for the worker to complete again starting at Section 1

  • Send an email to the worker letting them know that their I-9 form has been restarted

If an I-9 has already been submitted to E-Verify:

  • That original case will be available in the employee's audit trail

  • Closing the original case will create a new E-Verify case once the employee completes the I-9 form again (but only if that original case is manually closed by your organization)


After the worker submits Section 1, but before Section 2 is complete and the I-9 is sent to E-Verify (Pending Section 2).

This should be used when you've reviewed the Section 1 submission, and have either:

  • Found an issue with the information provided or the uploaded documents

  • Or, the employee has let you know that they've entered incorrect information

Selecting Reject will:

  • Reset the current I-9 task back to Not Started in the worker portal, for the worker to complete again starting at Section 1

  • Send an email to the worker letting them know that their I-9 form has been rejected, including the reason(s) you selected in the Rejection pop-up.

Since no case has been submitted to E-Verify yet, nothing will be sent to E-Verify in this workflow.


When the employee's submitted documents are nearing their expiration date.

This button opens the Supplement B reverification option, where a worker can upload new, unexpired documents to have on file.

No additional information is submitted to E-Verify in this case.


When a worker is rehired at your organization within three years of their original start date.

This button opens the Supplement B rehire option, where you can complete the rehire flow in one screen.

No additional information is submitted to E-Verify in this case.

Note: a brand new I-9 can also be used for rehires, if your company chooses. These would be sent to E-Verify.


Easily filter the workers on the I-9 table with the following options:

  • Email, First Name, or Last Name: filter down to workers with a certain email or name

  • Start Date: show only workers with a certain start date

  • Status: filter based on I-9 status (ex. Pending Section 2 or Complete)

  • Section 2 Selection: show only workers who have opted for the Authorized Representative option for their Section 2 form

  • Rejected: filter down to workers who have, or have not, had their Section 1 form rejected at any point in time

Related Articles

⬅️ Previous article: I-9 Setup & Configuration

➡️ Next article: I-9 Section 1 Workflow

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