Section 2 of the I-9 form, which is either filled out by you as the employer or an authorized representative, is the second step in the I-9 workflow. In this article, we will discuss the steps to complete Section 2 as the employer.
Actioning Pending Section 2 Forms
All pending Section 2 I-9 forms can be easily accessed via the I-9 Forms Table.
Click I-9 Center in the left side panel of Worker Experience.
Click the Pending Section 2 tile.
Review the Start Date column values to ensure that Section 2 is being completed within the three-day requirement. Overdue Section 2 completion will be indicated in the Start Date column.
Additionally, the method that was used will be listed in the Section 2 Selection column if more than one method was available to the employee.
Completing Section 2 as the Employer
To complete Section 2 as the employer, follow the steps below:
Click I-9 Center in the left side panel of Worker Experience.
Click the Pending Section 2 tile or search for a specific employee via the search bar.
Once the employee is located in the table, click the Manage button to the right of their name.
Review the employee’s I-9 Section 1 information and documents in person or over live video based on the method your company is using.
Validate that all required fields have been filled out, including the employee’s signatures.
Review the provided documents to ensure that they are unexpired, and appear to be genuine, and relate to the employee.
If a preparer or translator was used, verify that they have also signed the form on the same day as the employee.
If your company is using E-Verify, the employee’s Social Security Number must be completed.
Click the Complete Section 2 button.
Click Complete Section 2 again in the wish to continue pop-up.
Scroll and click Next in the bottom right corner.
Review and update your name, title, business name, and business address if the information is missing or inaccurate.
If using the alternative procedure method, check the alternative procedure checkbox.
Electronically sign.
Click Finish in the bottom right corner. If your company is using E-Verify, an E-Verify case will be automatically created after clicking submit. Remember, after completing Section 2, you must retain a copy of the completed I-9 form and documents.
Important Note:
If you see any errors in the Section 1 form, the employee will need to redo the form. To request them to redo the form, follow the steps below:
Exit out of the Section 2 screen by clicking the X in the top right corner.
Click the Reject button.
Select the applicable reason(s) you are rejecting Section 1.
Click Submit. The employee will receive automated communication that they need to redo Section 1 as well as the reason why they are redoing the form. Their I-9 task will also be reset and their status in the I-9 Center will move to Pending Section 1.
When completing Section 2, to open a PDF of the I-9, click the Open PDF button under the employee’s name.
If the form is submitted late, you will need to select a reason under the first day of employment. You can also update the employee’s start date in this field.
Click the Edit Documentation button to rotate, crop, or upload new files.
Video Demonstration
Watch the video below to see the steps to complete Section 2. Please note, there is no audio in the video.
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